I would love an "advanced mode" option or something that allows me to enter a custom calculation formula for items. This would be hopefully something that would be instance specific similar to OC spacing and layers. This would allow me to have the same item, say a 2' cross tee, and use it in both my ACT condition as well as my 2' x 2' light fixture condition without the need to either create a duplicate item in the database just to assign a separate formula to it or do some mathmatical workaround to get it to calculate based on the area of the fixture. The reason this currently is a headache is that you are limited to 1 calculation per item. So in this scenario, the cross tee is a LF item, which normally is based on my DIM1 Area result, but light fixtures are not always an easily divisible size, so calculating based on area doesn't make sense, and using a LF item with an OC spacing doesn't work when you are using a DIM "Count" result. With the ability to enter a custom formula, I would be able to tailor this on an assembly basis, intead of an item basis. The current result options (Area, Area minus cutouts, perimeter, etc.) would be available as "Variables" that you could then assign in the custom formula. An example for the custom formulas for the 2' cross tee: In the ACT assembly: Area/4LF In the 2x2 Light Fixture assembly: Count*2LF I really think this feature would give a tremendous amount of flexibility in calculating quantities.